Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Something must be wrong.

Good shit keeps happening.  I hope I didn't just jinx it, or does mentioning that may have just jinxed it, unjinx it?  shit.. did i just re-jinx it?

I received the panel layout and rough sketches of the first six pages of my first issue of Interface.  The plan is (once they're finished) to get them colored and lettered and start sending them to publishers with my script and synopsis.  Maybe it's naive to think that this book will go somewhere.  I'm a big NOBODY, but I have a surprising amount of faith in these scripts.. this story.  It continues to surprise me and I love writing it.  Amazing, really.  Getting the first art (besides the character sketches) is a big deal.  I can see it all unfolding and I feel confident that I'm telling the story well.  It looks great.

In addition, I just got hired to script a story for a video game for iPhone/Android.  I'm completely ecstatic.  It could wind up being nothing at all, but I like that I'm getting paid for this.  I love video games and the timeline/theme is right up my alley.  Think 30's Sci fi with some comedy and fun stuff thrown in.  I had a blast brainstorming ideas last night.

Things keep looking up and I keep looking up to make sure there's not a safe or a piano dangling above my head.

I watch too many cartoons.

Got stopped for speeding today and got a warning.  first time that's ever happened to me.  Probably only a week left before my house gets struck by a meteor.


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