Wednesday, December 21, 2011

One Moment, For Favor...

You probably didn't know I was good at Spanish.  Si.  Ees Troo.

Anyway.  Getting through the holidays.  Busy, busy, busy.  Too much personal shit to do lately. 

I got a little side tracked on the new writing project I'm working on with another new book idea.  A book of short stories.  I've always had a thing for short stories.  My favorite books growing up were Stephen King's short story collections.. specifically Skeleton Crew.  I always love to check out the compilation comics that come out around Halloween, like the Vertigo title I reviewed earlier this year.  That's what I'm aiming for.  Seems like an excellent opportunity to collaborate with new writers and artists.  Can't wait to see where it goes.

In the meantime, I've been dealing with the ins and outs of starting this business of mine in a more legitimate way.  It's a little less thrilling than I had hoped.  Something about paperwork is such a turn off.  Regardless.. I've been doing my homework and acquiring information from various sources on registering an LLC, and all the fun behind the scenes stuff.  Thanks to Eric at Broken Icon for the helpful hints and tips.  Very mucho appreciado.  (again, my spanish is excellente)

A couple more colored pages have come in for Interface and I've signed off on the inking of the last few pages of the first issue.  Colors, Letters and Printing await.  So close now.

One of my other discussion points, was waiting on selling that first issue until I have a clear idea of when Issue #2 will be ready to sell.  Makes great sense.  I guess I just get a little impatient (ok, a lot).  So hopefully I can hold out that long.  Still, it's an exciting ride. Trying to pull some logo stuff together for the cover.  Had an awesome idea for the Assailant Comics logo, but I have to keep it a secret for now.  Dammit - I hate that!

Completed a couple new reviews for - Animal Man #4 (one of the best books of the year) and All Fall Down, an indie book from Arcana.  Be sure and check them out!

I'll update any good news I have, but if there's none or I'm feeling lazy (lets face it  I will be lazy), have a happy holiday to the four people who read this blog. Literally.

Thanks!  Mucho Respecto!


  1. Charlton! Shaggy Faust here, a relic from the old DC board days. As a private business owner, two pieces of advice:
    1.) Set up an LLC. It can only protect you in the long run.
    2.) Have this done through an attorney. She/he'll do it right, it will only cost you $600-700 (depending on their rates and familiarity), and you will have an attorney available for future.
    Good luck, brother!

  2. Wow, now there's a blast from the past! If you get a minute send me an email and catch me up. Are you still writing?
