Friday, January 13, 2012

stumbling forward

It's been one of those weeks.  A lot of progress coupled with the frustrations that go along with it.

Stumbling forward is stumbling... but still forward.  I have to say that I've had a few reality checks this week on the scope of what I'm trying to accomplish, but it still seems better than doing nothing.  At least I hope that's right.

First things last.  Interface.
I have the pencils for the first 12 pages of Issue #2 and they look amazing.  I honestly can't wait to share this story.  I've often thought that it starts a bit slow (though I've been told otherwise) considering that it's a super hero story, but I like the pace.  It's like taking a detailed look at that first issue of spider-man.  Sure I could have given him his powers in the first few pages and ramped up the action, but I think in this case, the study of main character and his transformations of the first story arc are pretty compelling.

2ndly.  The book of short stories I'm working on (which shall remain nameless until I decide on a better title) got a new story and a new artist this week.  "Three Years" details one mans situation 3 years after the apocalypse of 2012.  The artist is David Hollenbach and I absolutely love his work.  I also received the first page of art for another story in the book called "Empty".  The book is shaping up nicely.  Not rushing on this.  The plan is to have it ready to release for Halloween. 

I've taken a break from writing this week (other than Three Years) and started focusing on the website for Assailant Comics.  There's a nifty "Under Construction" page up now, but behind the scenes, there's definitely "STUFF" going on.  Honestly, it's a real pain in the ass.  I'm a computer guy, but building a website sucks.  Hopefully with a little luck and a little help I'll be able to get it up and running in time for the first issue of Interface. 

In addition to this (and in coordination with) I also have the new Assailant Comics logo.  I have ordered a couple of shirts to test before I commit to a larger quantity, and some stickers coming soon as well.  The logo is gorgeous.

So... things are happening.  Churning.  I'm stumbling over some the business aspects of starting my own company (even if it is for blatant self-promotion).  Ideally, I'd like the ability to publish the works of other writers and artists out there and I need a way to do that that benefits everyone in the best possible way. 

Oh yeah.. and I have another review up at MyComicBlog - a new Image book called "Whispers".  Really, an excellent book.  I'm looking forward to reading more.

That's it for now.  xo

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