It is my sad duty to inform you that I cannot use the title "interface" for my book. Epic Comics (an offshoot of Marvel) released a comic book called "interface" in 1989 that ran for 8 issues. I'm not sure how I missed that while researching, but I did and there's not much I can do about it now.
I'm pretty down about it honestly, but thankful that I caught it before the first issue went to print. I've spent the last few days learning a great deal about copyright and trademark law. Neither is very fun or interesting. I would just like to get my story out there without having to worry about getting my ass sued off despite the fact that the book has been out of print for over 20 years. That's just part of the game, I suppose.
The new title will be announced shortly.
The full artwork for the cover of issue #1 (with the old title of course) is up on the TriStateCon website. Check it out if you're curious. It's a great piece of work.
I've also been delving into the world of promoting and marketing my books and Assailant Comics. There are a ton of options, none of which are free (haha), but I'm looking forward to the days ahead where I can focus more on that and less on the start up aspect, getting everything together, trudging carefully through each step trying not to make too many mistakes. Getting back to a steady writing schedule will be nice as well.
I received my new Assailant Comics business cards, promotional postcards and some assorted goodies today, so that was fun. Didn't it sound fun in that sentence? Yeah, it did.
That's all for now.
As always, thanks for reading.
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