Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I've been sick since Friday.

It's the kind of sick that makes you want to punch people square in the face just for talking to you or looking at you.  Hopefully I'm starting to shake it off.  I've been sick too much this year.

I can't remember if I've covered this here or not, but I'm a Type 1 diabetic.  Diagnosed late - around 4 years ago.  It's made life interesting.  Type 1 is generally the kind you get when you're young.  I'm insulin dependent, meaning my shit just stopped working.  In other words I'm not an older obese man.  Those are generally the kind of people to get Type 2 diabetes.

Ok, who cares?

No progress on anything other than comic book reviews, which have generally been very well received.  Here is my latest for Batgirl #2:  http://www.mycomicblog.com/2011/10/batgirl-2-review-2011/

Still waiting on the last page of art for Interface #1.  I am learning from mistakes.  The problem seems to be the number of mistakes I'm making.  Trying to keep this positive.  Feeling sick.  At work.

I want to karate chop my desk in half.  I think I can do it.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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