Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Everything is new again.

I love this time.  Writing a new story.  Brainstorming ideas.  The excitement when something that wasn't quite right just "clicks".  A new piece falls right into place and pulls everything together.  This story is very new and there are still a lot of those moments that need to happen.  I have some great things moving for the first issue.  Bad ass intro.  Character profiles coming together. 

It wasn't long ago that I went through this same process with Interface.  That was my first book and I just winged it as I went.  It's great to have pushed through that.  I know much more about what I'm doing and how to get what I want out of myself.  Everything is new again. 

I never really imagined I'd like the business end of putting everything together.  I always just wanted to be the creative guy.  (I still do I guess - it's less pressure)  But as I've mentioned before, each new step of the process provides additional insight and a small sense of accomplishment.  I would love it if someone liked my work enough to want to publish it or throw money at it.  But I like doing it on my own (so far) and having the final word.  Being my own boss to an extent.  (Though I could never be my own editor)  It's also extremely frustrating to have knocked out 12 issues of a book over 6 months, and have to wait and spend a ton of money (I don't really have) to put them together myself.  Double edged blah blah.

Now websites.  All of the necessary business things.  I just wanted to write a story.  And starting a new story is exactly where I want to be.  I'm picturing Assailant Comics featuring my own creator-owned books and (who knows maybe) some other great books by other writers/artists.  I know.  Daydreaming. 

There's no reason it can't happen.  That's the way I like it.

Inked pages of Interface #1 are off to the colorist - Anthonie Wilson.  Really looking forward to seeing the work.  Pushing around cover ideas in my brain too.  Can't wait to have this first issue under my belt. 

Jesus, do I repeat myself too much?

I face forward.  I don't look back. 

Lost In My Mind, by The Head and The Heart... it's my theme song today.  and i like that.

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